Connecting with Customers Through Social Media Ads

Did you know that 82% of people in North America are on social media? Globally, 4.48 billion people have social media accounts—that’s over half of the world’s population—and the number is constantly rising. 

For your business, these statistics mean one thing: Your customers are on social media, so you need to be there too. In addition to standard social media content, social media ads are a powerful way to promote your products and services and keep your name in front of customers.


Lead Generation Through Targeted Marketing 

Social media is one of the best tools for raising brand awareness. With the prevalence of sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and the amount of time people spend on them, it’s nearly guaranteed that your ad will reach new customers. 

The first step in a successful social media ad campaign is to know which platforms your customers use. If you’re not sure, Salem Surround can help you develop profiles of your target market, which will help you understand if your customers are Facebook loyalists, Instagrammers, or TikTok devotees. 

When you know which media platform is a fit for your customer base, then you can use that platform’s ad targeting tools to make sure the right customers see your promotions. That’s right—users don’t even have to follow your business to see your advertising. Based on your targeting information, potential customers who fit the demographic information you’ve selected will see your social media ads in their feeds. 


Demonstrate Value with Compelling Content 

Once a user is familiar with your brand, you’ll need to convince them that your product or service is the best solution for their problem. You can achieve this goal by creating compelling content that demonstrates the value of your business. 

Social media ads are an easy, effective way to do just that. Nearly every popular platform offers the ability to share videos, photos, and even website links or online shops, making it simple to show off your new video demo or invite users to participate in an exciting new contest. 


Drive Revenue with Social Media

Your user has considered your brand, and now they need to make the transition to the action stage of their decision-making process. Social media ads and organic posts are the perfect way to encourage a purchase after your customer has explored your content, as they can be designed to include quick links to your online shop. When you make it easy for your customers to patronize your business, they’re much more likely to act. After a customer has watched your video ad on Twitter, providing a link directly to your website or store is a surefire way to drive revenue. 

Salem Surround has the tools to help you leverage social media ads to grow your brand, all within a few clicks. Contact us today to discover how our expert team can help your business stand out from the crowd. 

Smiling people participate in a standup meeting in an open office
A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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