Engage Your Audience and Create Awareness on YouTube

Master YouTube Ads and Video Marketing with Surround Video

YouTube isn’t just a global video streaming service—it’s also a unique opportunity to engage with potential and existing customers through video marketing. As the world’s second-largest search engine with over 2 billion monthly users, YouTube is the ideal platform to connect with your clients, build brand awareness, and promote sales growth. At Salem Surround, our Surround Video services offer a comprehensive approach to YouTube ads and vid marketing for your business.


Leverage Proven Strategies for Lead Generation on YouTube

YouTube marketing is a fantastic way to generate new leads, but you don’t have to take our word for it. The numbers don’t lie: A remarkable ninety percent of people report that they discover new brands or products via YouTube. When it comes to lead generation, that’s an incredibly potent statistic. Most YouTube users—which numbers in the billions—could be discovering your business through these ads.


What Are the Different Types of YouTube Ads?

There are two types of YouTube video ads: Discovery and In-stream. Discovery ads will appear on user Search Results Pages, Home Pages, and Watch Pages. The type of advertisement a user will ‘discover’ is based on the content they are most frequently searching for and watching. Discovery ads ensure that your video marketing is being viewed by your desired demographic, increasing your chances of generating new leads and raising brand awareness. In-stream ads play before, during, or after YouTube videos. Viewers may skip these ads after the first five seconds of playback, so it’s important to make the message short and to the point.


How YouTube Video Marketing Boosts Your Revenue

Many people prefer to watch a video instead of reading a lengthy article. In fact, an incredible eighty percent of consumers who watched a video related to a potential purchase did so in the early stages of their decision-making process. A successful YouTube ad could mean the difference between a purchase and a lost lead. Your YouTube marketing has the power to encourage your customers to transition to the action stage of their decision, rather than spend more time considering their other options.


Compelling video marketing can grab consumer attention and help buyers cement their choice to purchase your product or service. Once you have piqued a customer’s interest and educated them about your business, they can act.


Reach Your Target Audience with Video Marketing

A YouTube ad can include links or discounts that will lead your customer directly to your site or online shop. By offering a special deal or secret coupon on YouTube ads, your customers will be encouraged to immediately visit your site and make a purchase. Our team at Salem Surround will ensure that your ads reach your target demographic to increase the chances of driving revenue.


Build Your YouTube Presence with Surround Video Today


Broadcast your message to a global audience with professional YouTube video advertising from Salem Surround. For more information about our digital marketing services or to request a free digital presence evaluation, reach out to our team today.



Smiling people participate in a standup meeting in an open office
A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

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